Do you have records from the founding of the School, and for students who studied at NYSID?
Last Updated: Mar 16, 2021     Views: 57

Yes, the NYSID Institutional Archives documents the history and actively supports the ongoing administrative, operational, and records management activities of the college. Materials in the collection include: newsletters, course catalogs, brochures and ephemera; selected examples of student and faculty work and course-related materials reflecting the evolution of interior design pedagogy at NYSID; materials related to milestones in the life of the College including commencements, building renovations, special events and exhibitions; photographs of faculty, staff, and special events.

The Archives houses historic student records of the College.  Records produced within the last 50 years are kept with the Registrar’s Office, all else is transferred to the archives. The objective is to preserve and catalog this historic information for the College and to support research.  Even though the administrative value of historic student records is considered inactive, all student information is protected by FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and all requests for student record information must be approved by the NYSID Registrar.

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